Thursday, September 25, 2008

Treasury's bail-out: The REAL reason for the desperate haste?

They claim this dire urgency to reach an agreement at break-neck speed on seizing our money is necessary to bring some much-needed order and stability to their precious markets. As if $700bn would fix up THIS catastrophic mess! And what's all this about said agreement not being subsequently reviewable or reversible by ANY court of appeal no matter how high? Somewhat suspicious to say the least, wouldn't you say?

Let's think about it for a moment in the light of what we know about these crooked banksters. The degree of desperation demonstrated by Ben, Henry and others in their frantic pleas to Congress could more accurately be attributed to something else entirely and here Phaedrus sets out his suspicions as to a more probable ulterior motive behind the extraordinary haste. As usual, we'll do so by way of a short analogy. We like analogies here on World Peace. You may have noticed!

Imagine then, if you will, a beautiful, brim-full lake like - oh, I don't know - say Lake Michigan. All the time the water level is high, everything's real pretty, life is sweet and everyone's happy. A while later, however, imagine a structural fault in the lake bed developing which causes the water to gradually drain away. Slowly more and more of the shoreline dries up and extends as the water level continues to sink. More and more it resembles a fetid swap with an evil stench to match. Eventually, long hidden objects on the lake floor begin to become visible for the first time. The roofs of clapped-out old cars dumped years ago by owners who'd claimed they'd been stolen to get the insurance money are first to break the surface. More and more unsightly wreckage is gradually revealed by the subsiding waters until finally, the lake is nothing more than a bone-dry basin peppered with old jalopies, rusty bicycles, the skeletons of murder victims, and hastily concealed impliments of past crimes: knives, guns, iron bars and what-have-you.

Now Phaedrus proposes that this is the scenario these rogue financiers are so DESPERATE to prevent arising. They are seeking to use OUR money to ensure the 'lake of liquidity' is kept topped-up sufficiently to prevent the evidence of the extent of their craven thievery from coming to light. The proposed injection of yet more liquidity into the system (or 'lake basin' in this analogy)will - temporarily at any rate - cover up a considerable amount of highly embarrassing criminal evidence!

Every time throughout history that there's a been downturn in the economy - here or abroad - businesses that seemed fine in the good times but fail when things get tough often turn out to have been improperly run (that's a polite way of saying FRAUD is involved). Recessions not only cull inefficient businesses, they reveal the bent ones for what they are, too and the folks that run them typically wind up in jail. This scenario never fails to materialize during any period of economic difficulty you care to mention. Now here today, we are in a period of GRAVE economic difficulty where we can reasonably expect that the most prolific and deep-rooted crooks at the business end of the money trail will become progressively exposed as the pool of liquidity which previously concealed their duplicitous chicanery continues to dry-up. This, in Phaedrus's submission, is the REAL reason for the desperate clamor for yet another big shot of liquidity and nothing to do with market stability.

The only proper course of action therefore is NOT to replenish the 'lake' until the LEAK (Israel and the pockets of the Zionist banksters) has been stopped up, and every item of forensic evidence that's being exposed by this money drought has been collected, cataloged, thoroughly investigated, and the rogues responsible for this chronic, systemic fraud against our nation are exposed for the embezzlers they are are and dealt with in a manner commensurate with the magnitude of their vile and despicable crimes. It is vitally important, therefore, that Congress must not allow itself to be browbeaten and railroaded into letting these JERKS off the hook by acceding to their insistent calls for an irreversible agreement of such size with far-reaching implications in the space of a few short days. The American people will come to hate them for it if they fail us YET again and show no courage and guts in the face of these crooks' intimidation.


Anonymous said...

Economic Problem Mere Manifestation Of Criminal, Racial/Jew Problem
(Apollonian, 26 Sep 08)

Comrade Phaedrus, I think u write eloquently as always on the various pt.s u make, but overall here, I submit u nonetheless miss the large pt.

For the essential (economic) problem is we're harboring a literal CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE for the controlling oligarchy ruling USA, specifically, the COUNTERFEIT (see for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank [Fed]) conspirators behind present Fed fraud.

And I think Kenny ( put it quite well in his "Let's Hurry Up...," 23 Sep 08--the scum are always fast-talking us, the people, "hurry-up...."

Obvious problem w. these "bail-outs" is classic "moral-hazard"--it ONLY ENCOURAGES THE PROBLEM to continuing and getting worse. For a "bail-out" is mere "junkie's fix"--not a proper solution at all.

So now under-lying problem is up-coming "hyper-inflation," presently in intermediate stage, alternative being a serious, crushing depression, which depression must come, sooner or later, regardless.

But this depression can well be handled by means of Jew-expulsion and -confiscation, along w. legalizing dope, abolishing IRS and Income Tax, etc.

CONCLUSION: Economic problem is mere manifestation of simple racial problem ("it's Jews, stupid"), in all honesty--no less than for foreign policy. Keep up ur good work, good comrade. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

Anonymous said...

The bailout for Wall Street was only one part of the scam.

By now, we were supposed to be invading Iran, to protect our buddy Israel.

When the bombs started dropping on Tehran and the Iranians fought back, that would have been the time to explode Wall Street so it could have been blamed on Muslims...again.

Except that crazy as a coon Georgian prez didn't follow the rule book given to him by Cheney and jumped the gun by invading S. Ossetia, thereby pissing off the Bear who struck back by bombing to hell S. Georgian airbases that the Israeli's had improved to support their American made F-16 (I) FB.

When that crapped out, it was too late to back out of the ransacking of Wall Street, so the greedheads plunged ahead, confident that their bought and paid for whores in DC would bow and scrape.

I say Fuck Wall Street, whatever has it done for Americans, except steal our savings and livelihood, time and time again.

The crash of 1929, the Bank Panic of 1907, the Gold cornering schemes of 1893 and the looting of the S & L's back in the 1980's.

Each and every one designed and pulled off by the "Tribe" to separate Americans from their paychecks.

Wall Street is an ongoing criminal enterprise that should be raided by the FBI.

Treat Wall Street execs just like they treat pot smokers, go in guns blazing.

After a few of those raids, the rest of the bastards will head for safe harbor elsewhere.

Shine a light on those fucks and they'll behave just like cockroaches do when exposed to light and run for cover.