Monday, September 22, 2008

Random Thoughts #3: Condoleeza Rice

What is this butt-ugly Negress actually GOOD for? She never achieves anything other than massively aggravating the air pollution problem through her never-ending flights to every basket-case country you can name in the pursuit of Israel's aims. Perhaps we should bite the bullet and admit that though black males are useless at anything other than raping and murdering white women, black WOMEN are even WORSE than useless and should never be allowed anywhere remotely near a discussion table! I'll wager she has to be spoon-fed every little policy detail over and over again until they're happy to let the bitch get aboard a plane to deliver (parrot-fashion) the well-rehearsed message. It must be costing us all a fortune!


Anonymous said...

" It must be costing us all a fortune!"


Rice has done an excellent job for Zhid Central, who have profited massively by her constant harping that the US is for freedom and as such, we will support that SLC without qualifiers or conditions.

That's the birth pangs of a JEW World Order slowly strangling the life out of Americans and in Tel Aviv, they couldn't be happier.

Once the American host is sucked dry, the leech will scurry off to find a fresh supply of blood and money.

They're probably making cooing sounds to Russia and China even as this is being written.

Anonymous said...

video - People SMOKING WEED At Obama Celebration.