Whilst Apollonian's views don't chime in 100% with those of World Peace in general, an intelligent person who devotes so much considered criticism deserves a better platform than simply being stuck in the "comments" section. So here are Apollonian's observations on recent postings to this blog...
"War Crimes" Prop.--Just More Balderdash By Jew Money Power, That's All
(Apollonian, 31 Jul 08)
Indeed good comrade Phaedrus, consider basic logic of idiotic "Int. War Crimes Tribunal"--who then are only people POWERFUL enough to possibly, conceivably make such pretentious operation work?
Say I, supreme commander of forces of Apollonia, exterminate scads of folks in land of enemy Dionysia, and we manage to "win" the war, God-willing. So who's going to "arrest" me?--it could only be some stronger, enemy power, and who would that be?
For why would any of my own people do such dumb, traitorous thing? The other side lost (presumably), so they can't do anything, can they? For when/if u "win," it means no one can mess with u, right?
And after all, I only did the necessarily vicious, ruthless things one has to do in war, slaughtering and killing much as possible, creating most damage, mayhem, and pain against scum who (presumably) attacked.
Who ever hrd of a "fair war"? Thus people are rightly taught not to go to war except as very LAST RESORT, this in absolute defense. I only slaughtered and exterminated as it was only thing to do--as the enemy refused to listen to reason and attacked. Enemy must have known I'd fight my hardest--it's only way to fight war, etc.
And say some power did seek my arrest--who are they then but simply ally of Dionysia? And so all it means then is the war continues, this now by ally of Dionysia.
Thus the entire premise for such "War Crimes Tribunal" is shown to be so brainlessly, completely absurd.
And ur analysis is well borne out: the only possible "prosecutors" of Karadzic is same Jew money power, as u pt. out, that's all. And this idiot "prosecution" is simply continuation of war against, extortion of Serbs, indubitably--what else?
And all this "war crimes" bullshit is purest propaganda and crap, that's all, meant for morons, only people stupid enough to go for it.
Hence then observe what REALLY is going on: Imperialist war against anyone and whoever is weak enough--AND WHAT'S "JUSTIFICATION" we're fed?--the same idiotic MORALISM-Pharisaism as always given by scummy Jew money-power w. their effete lies meant for queers. Hey, so ZOG-Mammon is on the side of "good" and anti-antisemitism, as always.
And hence do u notice something?--"good" and anti-antisemitism ARE ALWAYS LINKED--they're the same thing. Only Jews are good--Only Jews are God--get it?
Hence then we make the biggest mistake when we get diverted/distracted upon idiot "war crimes," etc., and take our eye off the real FRAUD that's taking place: the emplacement of Jews as arbiters, as judges, as the only real power, now evermore so invincible and un-questionable. After all, u don't want to be against "justice" do u? U don't want to be in favor of "war criminals" do u?--ALL ALWAYS IN THE NAME OF MORALISM-Pharisaism, "good-evil," etc.
And when one stops to think and just look--who and what are these scummy Judeo-conspirators (see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy)?--they're just a bunch of stinking COUNTERFEITERS, in essence, that's all--see RealityZone.com for expo/ref. on US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) fraud.
So good comrade Phaedrus, my conclusion is it ("war crimes tribunal") is indeed "sick joke," exactly as u say--FOUNDED THEN UPON THE SAME "GOOD-EVIL" fallacy/delusion/heresy (Pelagianism/Pharisaism) I've been warning u about.
CONCLUSION; For only liars and frauds seriously push this "good-evil" balderdash which is utterly without criterion or verifiable meaning, something totally subjective and ultimately meaningless--lies and murder all meant to back-up and prop that basic little scam of theirs, COUNTERFEIT conspiracy. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
Weaklings Must Continue to Die-Off Before Revolutionary Success
(Apollonian, 2 Aug 08)
Comrade Phaedrus, I do follow ur excellent expo and account of facts and details so far as it goes, but I think some HONEST notation needs be made regarding (a) exactly, precisely what's really taking place, and (b) causation thereto. Jews deserve much blame, to be sure, but they're not only ones.
For indeed a huge, putrid, miserable fraud is taking place, no doubt about it. And Jews are indubitably topmost benefactors. But the fraud is much being done by poor, brainless dipshit victims themselves, after all. No, it's no excuse for filthy, scummy Jews, and they will be deservedly EXPELLED, surely, but the fraud, nonetheless, is much by morons who became over-populated in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," thus creating "a (proverbial) situation," after all is said and done.
For note Jews fulfill a distinct socio-biologic (see KevinMacDonald.net) function, Jews a necessary parasitic disease-of-opportunity which effectively eliminates over-populated weaklings and inferiors fm gentile race--who just go too far in fooling themselves, and who let the Jews into their fatal, poisonous positions in first place.
Jews aren't "evil"--anymore than Typhus disease is "evil."
For at the root of it, note "central banking" is simply one thing: COUNTERFEITING (see RealityZone.com for expo/ref.), quite literally, pure and simple, no ifs, ands, or buts. And the stupid fools of the people very much brought it on themselves--yes, with the willing and gleeful complicity of Jews. And Jews must and will pay, but it's important not to overlook responsibility of people themselves.
And that's FUNDAMENTAL problem of human existence, archetypal question put for all time in New Testament (NT) Gosp. JOHN, through the character of Pontius Pilate: "What is truth?"
Thus stupid people too often imagine they can just VOTE truth and/or reality into being by means of their idiot wishful thinking. And yes, Jews are right there, egging them (the people) on, indubitably.
So what then needs to happen?--simple: COUNTERFEIT fraud needs to be REMOVED decisively, debt-relief instituted, Jew profiteers absolutely CONFISCATED, interned, etc. But of course, this Jew-expulsion/confiscation isn't going to happen too easily, but only by means of tortuous warfare, etc., and that's why we're having now to endure and contend w. police state as u indicate.
So we need to understand what the cultural solution is going to take: (a) people need to heed inductive logic for problem ("it's Jews, stupid"--see ConspiracyPenPal.com, "It Wasn't Arabs," Nov 03 archives), and act accordingly--this then will entail mainly top-level leadership, a small fraction of the volk.
(b) The other, parallel avenue will require great CHRISTIAN AWAKENING to effect of proper Christian anti-semitism--for anti-semitism (anti-Talmud as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13) is very purpose of Christianity, after all--which most people (and "Christians") need to re-learn.
Meantime note, historically, we observe many, many inferiors and weaklings MUST FIRST die-out before remnant survivors are enabled to face stark facts and anti-semitic necessities, and that it's no longer expedient to be "mighty-white," "generous" and "big-hearted" so as to continue entertaining this Jew disease out of "charity" and especially, moralism-Pharisaism, especially anti-antisemitism.
Rather people must be forthright and honest and proceed to decisive Jew-expulsion.
Get it?--inferiors and weaklings need to face stark facts: THERE IS NO "GOOD-EVIL." There's just truth and honesty--and nothing against these (truth and honesty)can be tolerated. Only then, after such child's "good-evil" Pelagianism and hereticalism is eliminated fm people's mentality will they be able to successfully resist and counter-act Jew-disease.
So it would seem we're still a good ways off fm serious chance/opportunity for successful anti-semitic REVOLUTION (much like French Rev. of 1789).
CONCLUSION: Thus as we continue to suffer, and weaklings die-off, meantime we must preach and teach the people who remain by that two-fold, parallel method, (a) rationalist induction and (b) honest Christianity, hence anti-semitism. Moralism-Pharisaism and Pelagian heresy must be defeated by means of HONESTY and most ruthless, merciless REASON. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
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Western Culture Destroyed By Guilt, Moralism, Neo-Pelagianism In Cyclic "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 08)
Thanks much to good comrade Phaedrus whose kind postings allow opportunity herewith to enter yet further clarification and necessary expo upon Guilt/Moralism-Pharisaism theme.
For blog-topical essay of mine, "Weaklings...," 2 Aug, failed to mention concept of CYCLICALITY, as of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, wherein Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity takes advantage of Pharisaist-Pelagian hubris of gentiles, caught and crippled now so horribly and tragically by means of GUILT-COMPLEX.
For what is it specifically which has so rendered prisoners and slaves entire population of white people, thence all gentiles, all throughout the world, in USA, Europe, and anywhere else?--but GUILT, moralistic guilt very hallmark of Spenglerian "decline"?
And what then is foundation/root of this horrific GUILT but Pelagianist Pharisaism-moralism ("good-evil") delusion/fallacy/heresy?
Thus latest (neo-) Pelagian hereticalist upsurge, so rationalistically styled, began surely with Rousseau, Kant, and Eng. Utilitarianism, proceeding directly and logically to Marxian-type socialism and communism, obtaining presently in New World Order (NWO) and ZOG-Mammon dictatorship of United Nations (UN)--see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref.
Further then, terror-state of Israel justifies its existence and murderous prosecution by means of holohoax lies which invoke obvious and obligatory guilt theme (see Zundelsite.org, Codoh.com, and Ihr.org).
Thus historic and socio-biologic CYCLE of history has seen gross de-population (at least relatively) of white folk in face of now over-populated Jew disease-of-opportunity, as we see, Jews seeking nothing less than world-conquest through control of USA, thence UN, and enforced finally by modern "Murder Inc.," Israeli terror-state, almost literally sucking life-blood of USA and tax-payers.
Hence then counter-surge for present disastrous historic CYCLE must be most intensive and purposeful HONESTY against disastrous Moralism-Pharisaism, Talmudic subjectivism, neo-Pelagian delusion, and especially, HERETICALISM in general which under-lies ZOG-Mammon dictatorship presently prosecuting/waging Orwellian "perpetual war for perp. peace."
Thus rationalist and de-mystified Christianity must re-discover its proper anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13), rejecting present suicidal neo-Pelagianism and moralism-Pharisaism which enslaves horrifically deluded gentiles by means of such poisonous, corrosive, crippling GUILT. For guilt is NOT VIRTUE, as neither is moralist-Pharisaist presumption.
And note further then how such guilt and Pelagianism-Pharisaism UNDER-CUTS most natural INDUCTION which otherwise immediately and directly implicates and ISOLATES Jew and "neo-con" perpetrators of 9-11.
For when such induction is invoked demanding then foremost Jew suspects to provide explanation why/how Jews should not be held responsible (for 9-11, etc.), Jews and accomplices merely invoke such putrid moralism-Pharisaism by means of counter-accusation, even if only implicit, of anti-semitism and obligatory GUILT. See also UssLiberty.org.
CONCLUSION: Hence then thematic CYCLIC cultural masculinity must champion that liberating and counter-vailing HONESTY to overcome horrific, disastrous, fallacious, and suicidal GUILT founded upon such moralism-Pharisaism and neo-Pelagian hereticalism having caused such Western cultural "decline." Rationalist, de-mystified, and most OVERT anti-semitic Christian emphasis theologically must also proceed and arise most consciously and forthrightly for Western RESURGENCE fm present "decline." Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
[I would have sworn I posted below two days ago, but now I see it's "disappeared" for some reason. Oh well, I try again. A.]
Western Culture Destroyed By Guilt, Moralism, Neo-Pelagianism In Cyclic "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 5 Aug 08)
Thanks much to good comrade Phaedrus (see WorldPeace-Phaedrus.blogspot.com, "The Thoughts...," 5 Aug 08) whose kind postings allow opportunity herewith to enter yet further clarification and necessary expo upon Guilt/Moralism-Pharisaism theme.
For blog-topical essay of mine, "Weaklings...," 2 Aug, failed to mention concept of CYCLICALITY, as of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, wherein Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity takes advantage of Pharisaist-Pelagian hubris of gentiles, caught and crippled now so horribly and tragically by means of GUILT-COMPLEX.
For what is it specifically which has so rendered prisoners and slaves entire population of white people, thence all gentiles, all throughout the world, in USA, Europe, and anywhere else?--but GUILT, moralistic guilt very hallmark of Spenglerian "decline"?
And what then is foundation/root of this horrific GUILT but Pelagianist Pharisaism-moralism ("good-evil") delusion/fallacy/heresy?
Thus latest (neo-) Pelagian hereticalist upsurge, so rationalistically styled, began surely with Rousseau, Kant, and Eng. Utilitarianism, proceeding directly and logically to Marxian-type socialism and communism, obtaining presently in New World Order (NWO) and ZOG-Mammon dictatorship of United Nations (UN)--see TheNewAmerican.com for expo/ref.
Further then, terror-state of Israel justifies its existence and murderous prosecution by means of holohoax lies which invoke obvious and obligatory guilt theme (see Zundelsite.org, Codoh.com, and Ihr.org).
Thus historic and socio-biologic CYCLE of history has seen gross de-population (at least relatively) of white folk in face of now over-populated Jew disease-of-opportunity, as we see, Jews seeking nothing less than world-conquest through control of USA, thence UN, and enforced finally by modern "Murder Inc.," Israeli terror-state, almost literally sucking life-blood of USA and tax-payers.
Hence then counter-surge for present disastrous historic CYCLE must be most intensive and purposeful HONESTY against disastrous Moralism-Pharisaism, Talmudic subjectivism, neo-Pelagian delusion, and especially, HERETICALISM in general which under-lies ZOG-Mammon dictatorship presently prosecuting/waging Orwellian "perpetual war for perp. peace."
Thus rationalist and de-mystified Christianity must re-discover its proper anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13), rejecting present suicidal neo-Pelagianism and moralism-Pharisaism which enslaves horrifically deluded gentiles by means of such poisonous, corrosive, crippling GUILT. For guilt is NOT VIRTUE, as neither is moralist-Pharisaist presumption.
And note further then how such guilt and Pelagianism-Pharisaism UNDER-CUTS most natural INDUCTION which otherwise immediately and directly implicates and ISOLATES Jew and "neo-con" perpetrators of 9-11.
For when such induction is invoked demanding then foremost Jew suspects to provide explanation why/how Jews should not be held responsible (for 9-11, etc.), Jews and accomplices merely invoke such putrid moralism-Pharisaism by means of counter-accusation, even if only implicit, of anti-semitism and obligatory GUILT. See also UssLiberty.org.
CONCLUSION: Hence then thematic CYCLIC cultural masculinity must champion that liberating and counter-vailing HONESTY to overcome horrific, disastrous, fallacious, and suicidal GUILT founded upon such moralism-Pharisaism and neo-Pelagian hereticalism having caused such Western cultural "decline." Rationalist, de-mystified, and most OVERT anti-semitic Christian emphasis theologically must also proceed and arise most consciously and forthrightly for Western RESURGENCE fm present "decline." Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
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