Monday, June 9, 2008

Evil Beyond Belief


Can you remember when YOUR personal epiphany moment occurred? You know, the first time you knew for sure, in your own mind, that the government and its associated agencies were NOT working in the interests of the American people, but rather totally AGAINST us? Perhaps if you are new to the 'conspiracy universe' you may well have your own special moment yet to come. In any event, when it DOES come, you will NEVER forget it.

Most of us just assumed for very many years that successive governments were guilty of nothing more than simple incompetence and that the mess we were getting into in every sphere of our lives was as a result of this well-meaning but hopelessly ineffective governance. Never did it cross the minds of the masses that the endless downward spiral into debt, mass immigration, and the resulting cultural and moral decay was being actively driven by sinister forces.

We regarded our governments much like we did our parents. We had absolute trust in them to do everything in their power to protect us and make things better for us, and when things didn't turn out as we'd hoped, we just resigned ourselves to conclude that though the powers that be had done their very best on our collective behalf, it simply hadn't worked out as planned due to various complex factors beyond their control.

It takes an enormous upheaval in this, our trusting paradigm, to shatter it forever. The painful and sickening sudden realization that everything you thought you knew about the way the world worked was in fact totally wrong and that the horrifying reality was that the governments in which we trusted had been working behind our backs to purposely DESTROY us. The ULTIMATE betrayal of ourselves and our families on the part of those in whom we had placed our absolute trust and faith.

Phaedrus underwent just such an earth-shattering paradigm shift as a result of the events of September 11, 2001. The entire world watched the newsreels in utter horror and disbelief as those planes crashed into the Twin Towers on that sunny morning. It was unquestionably by far the most outrageously destructive terrorist act of all time; one of those seminal events that shape history and will remain forever branded on our collective consciousness.

Yet for the next 5 years, this humble writer never questioned the official line. Sure we'd all heard grumblings from the 'conspiracists' that several things just didn't add up about the attacks, but we'd seen it all unfold on-screen with our very own eyes! Plus the mainstream media wouldn't give these crackpot theorists the time of day; their ideas were so out of whack. All in all, most of us had no reason whatsoever to question the official explanation. But all the same, the grumbling never went away and has only grown more vociferous as the years have passed.

All the same, however, this writer was STILL not persuaded to take the issue seriously until reading some comments by Curt Maynard about something Michael Moore had said. Curt, whom I'd always taken very seriously and KNEW not to be delusional, clearly believed that 9/11 was a set-up and said so in no uncertain terms - as is his inimitable style. At that moment, I put everything else I was doing to one side and sat down to look at the evidence for this seemingly unbelievable assertion for myself.

Once I had applied myself to the task, it didn't take long for all the pieces to fall into place. For me, proof positive that the whole thing had been a well-orchestrated act of terror, aided and abetted by OUR government, arose from the unaccountable fall of Tower 7 of the WTC complex. It wasn't hit by any plane, any fuel, or any debris from the adjacent collisions, yet nevertheless, it suddenly collapsed later that same day in a most elegant manner; neatly crushing itself into its own footprint for no apparent reason whatsoever!

For me, this was in itself evidence enough that something surrounding the events of that day stunk to high heaven. Now all of a sudden, all those conspiracy theorists hadn't been crazy after all. Added weight to my knew realization came from the fact that the mainstream mass media had completely ignored this, the smoking gun of Tower 7. Since that day, it has been as if the building had never existed for all we hear about it outside of the internet. Tower 7's collapse is where the Big Plan went badly awry that day and it's been a case of Big Media cover-up from that day to this.

Now however, with the benefit of hindsight and the terrific hard work on the part of some great campaigners within the 9/11 truth movement, we have been able to piece together what really happened - no thanks to the obfuscations of the national TV and press who have done everything they can to protect the guilty from the glare of the investigatory spotlight. We now KNOW that the entire operation was facilitated and had the blessing of the executive government (Bush/Cheney etc), the CIA and Mossad, who all worked hand in hand to ensure the outrage perpetrated that day was an outstanding success for the hijackers - and Israel.

Like increasing numbers of others, I am now satisfied beyond any doubt that the buildings were rigged with explosives beforehand to ensure their utter destruction before the eyes of the world, thus giving Bush the perfect excuse to launch a second war against Iraq, and more importantly, the so-called 'War on Terror' - an exercise in having our freedoms progressively confiscated that has the mark of the Jews written large all over it. This is the quantum leap of realization the people need to make in order to wake up to what's been going on in America for far too long.

Whether you choose to admit or not, the fact is that some sub-human individual, with the blessing of the government, activated the detonators that brought all those towers to the ground, burying 2,974 innocent people in the process, a large proportion of them being New York's finest: firemen, cops, medics, rescue-workers, all trying their hardest in terrible conditions to save lives, had THEIRS ruthlessly extinguished for their efforts by the band of robber barons and tyrants in whom we have entrusted the running of this increasingly burned-out country.

This is a crime so terrible and of such a scale that it MUST be fully prosecuted. The entities (one cannot call them 'people') responsible for this 'outrage of all outrages' must be hunted down like the luciferan beasts they are; their evil deeds exposed for everyone around the world to see, then punished in a manner befitting the crime; a method of exquisitely dreadful execution as yet not conceived by human minds, to serve as a lesson and a warning, lest anyone entrusted with high office be unwise enough to emulate their foulest of deeds at any time in the future.


Anonymous said...

I've got some rope with the Bush administration's name on it.
They should be hung from the highest tree in Washington, D.C., then their heads should be stuck on a pole for all the congressmen to see, and be reminded that, 'we, the people' are not going to put up with this shit any longer!
Run, Zionist Jews! Run politicians! Run motherfuckers! The People are coming to get you!
That's the dream I keep having. Maybe God will make it a reality.

Anonymous said...

If we do not make sure that this criminal regime in washington is brought to trial and executed for their horrific crimes, WE will be held responsible!!! The trials and executions should be broadcast live and worldwide to show humanity that America is making itself RIGHT again! To do nothing is a crime against humanity in itself!

Anonymous said...

I agree with both of you, however, I don't think there should be any trial involved. I think pitchforks and torches would be more appropriate. Seriously though, these reptiles need to die, all of them. Preferably slowly, painfully and on live TV.

curt maynard said...

"All the same, however, this writer was STILL not persuaded to take the issue seriously until reading some comments by Curt Maynard about something Michael Moore had said. Curt, whom I'd always taken very seriously and KNEW not to be delusional, clearly believed that 9/11 was a set-up and said so in no uncertain terms - as is his inimitable style. At that moment, I put everything else I was doing to one side and sat down to look at the evidence for this seemingly unbelievable assertion for myself."

It's for this reason and no other that I keep plugging away - the very idea that I might have helped awaken someone with your talent, intelligence, insight, and fortitude, makes it all worth it.

Anonymous said...


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